Bleuler’s Safety Precautions in Effect during the Pandemic
We continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation and review guidance from the CDC, Office of Mental Health, and New York Department of Health. As we continue to expand our onsite service delivery in the fall, our office is taking the following precautions to protect our patients and help slow the spread of the Coronavirus:
Office seating in the waiting room and in therapy/testing rooms has been arranged for appropriate physical distancing.
Daily Questionnaires and temperature checks for all staff and patients prior to entry to BPC.
Our staff and patients will wear masks.
Our staff and patients will maintain safe distancing.
Restroom soap dispensers are maintained, and everyone is encouraged to wash their hands.
Hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol are available in the lobby, common hallways, offices, and the waiting room .
We schedule appointments at intervals to minimize the number of people in the waiting room.
We ask all patients to wait in their cars or a safe, outside area until no earlier than 5 minutes before their appointment times.
We ask all to avoid touching surfaces that may have been touched by others to the extent possible.
Credit card machines, pens and other areas that are commonly touched are thoroughly sanitized after each use.
Magazines are removed in the waiting room to prevent further contamination.
The water cooler is removed, and dispensable water bottles will be provided instead upon request.
Physical contact is not permitted (i.e. shaking hands, hugging).
Avoid congregating when entering and exiting our office space or the building.
Staff and patients should only enter and exit designated areas.
Tissues and trash bins are easily accessed. Trash is disposed of on a frequent basis.
Common areas are disinfected throughout the day.
A full cleaning of BPC is provided every evening
Our building has a dedicated cleaning crew to maintain the lobby, elevator, common hallways, and restrooms.
Our building HVAC has been modified to include filters that meet or exceed guidelines for COVID practices.
Our building HVAC system is adjusted daily to increase fresh air flow to meet and exceed standards as set by CDC
Prior to our expanded Fall opening, all BPC areas have been cleaned and sanitized against Covid-19. The Deep Clean program utilized a “Top to Bottom” approach that insured that all areas and furniture including chairs and carpet were deep cleaned utilizing Spartan cleaning products that qualify to be on the EPA’s List N (Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
All in favor of a COVID-19 vaccine, raise your arm! Have you been vaccinated?
A word from the Office of Mental Health’s Commissioner, Dr. Ann Sullivan:
The experience of two employees from Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, Sharon Simpson, Chief of Services, and Deese Jean-Baptiste, Registered Nurse II: