Click here for information on BPC’s partnership with NYS OMH and Community Mental Health Promotion and Support

NY Project Hope is a statewide crisis counseling initiative available to every New York resident. The Crisis Counseling Program provides support, outreach, and education to assist individuals and communities coping with COVID-19. It is a strengths-based program offering support that promotes resilience, empowerment, and recovery… always free, confidential, and anonymous.

The goals of the Crisis Counseling Program:

  • Help all New York residents understand their current situation and reactions to COVID-19;
  • Reduce stress and provide emotional support;
  • Promote the use or development of coping strategies;
  • Connect New Yorkers with other people and agencies who can help them in their recovery process.

How does BPC play a part?

We are proud to announce that BPC has become a provider agency of NY Project Hope and will begin offering free, confidential, and anonymous support to those who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are happy to provide our services to any New Yorker in need during this difficult time.

If you or a loved one is experiencing crisis related to COVID-19, we invite you to reach out to us by contacting BPC’s Project Hope staff at projecthope@bleulerpc.org or at 718.407.2458.

For more information on NY Project Hope, please visit their website at: https://nyprojecthope.org/

Please be sure to visit this page often for updates and new roll outs as this initiative progresses.

Stay safe New York!